Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well to those of you who actually read this silly little blog of mine, I just wanted to give you a heads up. My computer decided that he had had it. So this morning, after I had made my morning cup of coffee and gotten everything done so that I could sit and enjoy my beloved cup of coffee while checking up on all my favorite websites, my computer decided to throw in the towel and not boot up. He was even a bit dramatic and threw in some major clicking sounds for emphasis.
I don't know when we will get another or if we'll try and save this computer, but until then, I wont be able to get online. :(
Also, I lost all of my email addresses this morning, so if you can shoot me an email to my charter account, I would appreciate it. Then I can add your address to the new computer.


imjustaphoneguy said...

I've been away from the blogosphere for a while. Sorry your computer blew up. I hope to get caught up on what's been going on with you guys as well as ramble on my own site. Talk with you soon.

Jessica L said...

Don't worry. I'll still be here when you get back. :)

Jenn Lopez said...

What a bummer! Our computer (I fear) is not too far behind yours!!