Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cozy Feet

Since the kids have been gone Mike and I have been able to actually spend time together. On the rare occasions we both have the day off, we will sit and watch some movies. I say some because we have been watching 3 or 4 in a sitting. I know, right? What a total waste of time! I agree, but I LOVE it!!! How often do you hear of a mommy of three young kids being able to sit and watch 3 movies!? It's been wonderful!
Whats my favorite thing about watching movies, you ask? Oh, you didn't? Well, I'll tell you anyway. I LOVE snuggling up with my hubby. Even after being married to my man for 10 years, I still get giddy when he puts his arm around me.

Oh, guess what?! My girls are coming home today!!! I'm so excited!

Monday, May 25, 2009


The girls got to go see the production of 'Beauty and the Beast' a few nights ago. They loved it and thought is was absolutely wonderful. Mada has a love for music and this was totally up her alley. Grace loved it, but apparently was scared when the Beast was out.
Madison said the best part was when Beast turned into the Prince.
The girls got to meet Belle after the performance and were on cloud nine!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I'm overrun by men and their icky ways. Since my little beauties are with Grandma, I'm the only female at my house. The toilet seat is being left up, burping is abundant and toots . . . . oh the toots. Reece was laying on the floor and the loudest sound I have ever heard came out of that little guy. But then, what happened next gave me a good chuckle.

"Hey Dad, " Reece says, "I know why a skunk smells really bad."

"You do?" Mike responds

"Yep, it's actually the skunk tooting."

Yep, the kid should know, he is sitting in the middle of a great big one. EWE.

Friday, May 22, 2009

5th Birthday

My youngest just had her 5th birthday. We threw a party for her here and her Grandma Gayle threw one for her down in Cali. The girl scored big, if you ask me. Her party here was at McDonald's. EWE. But, seeing as it has the only inside playland and the day was downright dreadful outside, well . . . . we had no other choice.
Grace decorated her own cake. Does the sprinkle ratio to frosting give that away? Oh well, who cares, right?! She thought it was absolutely perfect and loved doing it herself. When she walked away, I admit, I tried to spread the sprinkles around a bit more, that is the only reason there isn't one big pile on the top. I know, I know, let it go Sarah, let her do it and not fix it. What's wrong with me?! It's her cake! Next time, I promise, I'll walk away and leave it.
Grace was blessed with MANY thoughtful gifts. She got lots of earrings (which delighted her to no end!), some cute clothes,a Princess, ring and even a pooping Barbie dog (thanks Aunt Rechelle!). She loved it all and has been having a ball playing with it.
The kids are so funny. I thought this picture was hilarious. Poor little Logy in the front, everyone else is giving bunny ears and he has to stop playing and take a pic. Ok Logy, picture is done, you can go play. :)
My cutie nieces were even enjoying the playland. Aren't they dolls?!
How blessed my kids are to have such a wonderful family who all took time out of there busy day to celebrate Grace's birthday! We love you all!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Idiot Indian Mix-up

My girls are down with my parents right now. My kids love staying with Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Bop. So many special and fun memories are made during the summer month they spend there. My mom sent this little email to me and I thought it was cute. Here is what she said:

Dad and I are constantly asking Maddie what Grace says ... we have so much trouble understanding her since she doesn't speak her "r's" very well. Sometimes it is a guessing game for us ....

But on Sunday, just right after church was over, Madison sneaked up behind Bob Cox ... he asked her if she was part Indian. He explained that an Indian is good at sneaking up on people without them knowing ... He then said again that she must be part Indian.

Gracie came up to Bob and with her very scolding voice told Bob it was not polite to call Maddie an "idiot." We all just stood there ... we didn't understand how she thought Bob called Maddie an idiot.

Then Maddie told Grace that Bob said Indian not idiot.

It was cute that Gracie came to defend her big sister and even cuter when Maddie told Grace that he had not said "idiot." Grace said, "oh."

Very funny ... I guess you had to be there, but it was very funny

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet Cousin's Wedding

Yesterday my kids and I had the honor to go and watch Sweet Cousin get married. It was a gorgeous wedding outside in this little haven in Old Town Pasadena. The wedding was beautiful and one of a kind. My kids have been looking forward to this wedding for months. Every day, they would ask me if it was time to go to the wedding. Everyday I would have to tell them no. My kids didn't really care about the wedding. You see, Sweet Cousin was going to have a candy table with all sorts of yummy candy for the kids. I had made the mistake of telling my kids about this part of the wedding celebration. What kid wouldn't be going nuts over the prospect of jars of candy that they could go and choice many from?!
Like I said, the wedding was lovely. The vows were heartfelt, the toasts were sweet, the dances brought tears to my eyes. My Sweet Cousin and her Funny Man were surrounded by the perfect amount of people who loved them and cared for them. Truly a wedding out of a fairytale.
At the end of the night, on our way back to my parents home, I asked my kids what their favorite part was.
Mada said, "I loved the dancing with Bubu (hee hee, we all refer to him lovingly as Bobo)." It was one of the sweetest moments. He took her out to the floor and danced with her like she was the most important girl there. He boogied with her, twirled her and gave her all his attention. What a special memory she has now. Not one she will ever forget.

Reece's told me his favorite part was all the candy and toys. Not surprising . . . there was so much candy and toys!!! My son left that party with a huge bag of candy. His eyes were twinkling!!

Lastly, I asked Grace what her favorite part of the wedding was.

"My favorite part was dancing with the Princess." Grace told us. Oh My!!! Isn't that precious?!

It was an absolutely wonderful wedding. I LOVED being able to see all my family!! I love you all so much.
Now, pictures!!!! I want pictures!!! :)

A little video of Mada's special memory

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fun In The Sun

I thought I would post a few pics of us while down here in my beloved Cali. We have been having a wonderful time with my family. The weather is gorgeous and warm and it's soooo wonderful to be here enjoying it. I am not missing my soggy, wet town . . . . . but am missing my sweet man. :(

Grace got to open up her birthday gift from my parents. She got a a scooter and even got to ride it in the hallway for a few minutes. She loves the scooter and has been having a blast on it.

Today it was super warm so we picked up a sweet slip 'n slide and were having some fun. The kids were all running around going absolutely bonkers slipping and sliding. It was a lot of fun to watch them all getting wet and having the best time.