Friday, May 22, 2009

5th Birthday

My youngest just had her 5th birthday. We threw a party for her here and her Grandma Gayle threw one for her down in Cali. The girl scored big, if you ask me. Her party here was at McDonald's. EWE. But, seeing as it has the only inside playland and the day was downright dreadful outside, well . . . . we had no other choice.
Grace decorated her own cake. Does the sprinkle ratio to frosting give that away? Oh well, who cares, right?! She thought it was absolutely perfect and loved doing it herself. When she walked away, I admit, I tried to spread the sprinkles around a bit more, that is the only reason there isn't one big pile on the top. I know, I know, let it go Sarah, let her do it and not fix it. What's wrong with me?! It's her cake! Next time, I promise, I'll walk away and leave it.
Grace was blessed with MANY thoughtful gifts. She got lots of earrings (which delighted her to no end!), some cute clothes,a Princess, ring and even a pooping Barbie dog (thanks Aunt Rechelle!). She loved it all and has been having a ball playing with it.
The kids are so funny. I thought this picture was hilarious. Poor little Logy in the front, everyone else is giving bunny ears and he has to stop playing and take a pic. Ok Logy, picture is done, you can go play. :)
My cutie nieces were even enjoying the playland. Aren't they dolls?!
How blessed my kids are to have such a wonderful family who all took time out of there busy day to celebrate Grace's birthday! We love you all!!

1 comment:

beth said...

Happy birthday Grace!! 5 years old? Wow, she is growing up!! Those pooping Barbie dogs are so funny! I love how they "poop", then you put it back in their mouth like they're eating it, just like a real dog! Ha ha. :) Hope Grace had a blast on her birthday!