Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tuck In

"Mommy, tell me why Tinkerbell (our newest little puppy) has those holes on her belly." Says Grace, as I tuck her into her bed tonight.

"Those are puppy titties. When Tinkerbell grows up and has little puppies of her own, that's where she will feed her little babies." I reply.

"They will eat there?!"

"Yes, that's how God made girls. When we grow up and have babies, we nurse them. Mommy used to nurse you."

"And Maddie and Reecie?" Grace asks.


"What about Peyton? Did Aunt Krista do that?" Grace asks full of wonder.


"Aunt Morgan and Anni?!"

"Yes, Gracie. They both nursed their babies." I replied as I shut off the light.


"Goodnight, my darling girl. I love you." I smile and blow a kiss.

"Night." Says Grace and she rolls over and tucks her little face into her cozy blankets.


beth said...

Well, she would be happy to know then, that I fed my babies with a bottle. LOL. That's too funny. Kids say the darndest things. :)

Jessica L said...

Hilarious! Thanks for sharing. Love the cute things the kiddies say.

kells times four said...

That's cute :)

Anonymous said...

good thing that she didn't ask any further back in the family.....she would really be grossed out :-)
