Monday, July 13, 2009

The Suit

It's funny how one event brings back memories of another event in the past, sometimes making the pain just too fresh. I mentioned earlier about Mike's Grandpa Charlie passing away this past week. He was a fantastic Grandpa and a amazing Great Grandpa. He was funny, generous, hard working and loving. He is going to be very missed.
Yesterday, after church we were driving over to a couple's house who were so very generously loaning Mike a suit jacket to wear for the funeral. Mike's eyes were swollen and teary and I too was a bit choked up (missing both Charlie and my own Grandpa who passed a few months back). It was a solemn moment in our van.
Grace, being our ever so curious daughter, asked Mike where we going.
"We are going over to Dave and Heidi's home so I can borrow a suit jacket to wear tomorrow. I'm going to be a Pall Bearer tomorrow." Mike says.

"You are going to be a POLAR BEAR!" Grace shouts

What a little blessing our dear daughter gave us. Nothing like a funny remark to make us all laugh and lighten our hearts.

*** A little side note. Mike and I are just so thankful for our church family. The kind words given to Mike about his Grandpa have been treasured greatly. Dave who loaned Mike the suit jacket. I'm speechless. The coat Dave loaned Mike is his very best suit jacket. It's one he JUST GOT. His daughters gave up their Christmas gifts in order for Dave to get his suit. We can tell the suit was very special to Dave and he so freely loaned it to Mike. It was incredibly touching.

1 comment:

beth said...

Wow. What a great story. Thank God for good friends. And thank God for giving us kids to say just the right thing at just the right moment. Sorry for your loss. I'm sure he will be greatly missed.