Monday, April 27, 2009

Grace's 5th Birthday Present

Grace has been asking for many months to get her ears pierced. I told her that I would take her on her 5th birthday if she wanted to do that for her gift. So for the past 4/5 months, Grace kept telling me that she wanted earring for her birthday. I was actually a bit surprised that she choice earrings over all the fun toys she sees at the toystore. Crazy Girl.
This past weekend, I asked her again what she wanted most for her birthday. She quickly told me that earrings was all she wanted. Since Grace is spending some time with her Grandma Gayle during her birthday, we decided to go and ahead and do the ear thing now.
So Grace loaded up her favorite buddy, Kate and we were off to get her ears pierced. She was so excited and giddy. We got to Claires and Grace picked out her earrings that she wanted and the man marked her all up. She was quiet a bit timid, reaching for my hand. The man, TJ, told Grace what he was going to do and showed her. He was great. Then he went in and did the first ear. Immediately Grace started to cry. Heartbreaking!!! I felt like the worst mom in all the world. She wouldn't let the TJ get to her other ear. She cried, "I don't want the other one!"
Finally after a few minutes we got her to hold still for a quick second and punched the 2nd hole. She cried some more and needed some more hugs. After another minutes, she perked right up when I asked her to go pick out some pretty hair clips. Nothing like pretty hair clips and her friend to perk my little diva right up.
She couldn't wait to show her daddy her ears and giggled when she showed him. Reece asked her if it hurt and she told him, "Nope."


beth said...

Awww. What a brave girl she was. I don't have pierced ears,and I probably never will, cause I hate needles so much. She knew what she wanted, and she never backed down. Now she gets to pick out some pretty earrings and show em off to everyone! :) Happy birthday, Grace!

Krista Motsinger said...

Sounds like a super fun day:) Way to go Gracie! I can't believe she is five! That means I 've been married five years this year! Eck! Time flies! Seems like she should still be your little baby.

kells times four said...

Awe...poor lil' thing! I remember those days...she'll be glad she did it later, for sure!

Jenn Lopez said...

Oh how precious! I can't believe she and Cayton will be 5 this year!! Time flies!!!